This year has been difficult for all of us. Young people and children’s mental health and wellbeing has never been so important.
Last month Fair Ways fostering team took part in the #HelloYello, a campaign which is ran by young minds to help raise money and support young people’s mental health on World Mental Health Day.
Starting a conversation with a child about how they are really feeling can be difficult. Below are ideas from young minds on ways to help start these conversations.
Here at Fair Ways we have the Hub, which supports children and young people’s wellbeing.
The Hub comprises a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians and associated professionals supporting the healthy development, wellbeing and relationships of children and young people within Fairways services.
Fairways Participation service sits within the Hub, its purpose to encourage and facilitate opportunity for young people to give feedback, have a collective and individual identity and to help shape the development of Fairways services and those more widely for looked-after children and young people. The Participation team compliments the work of the Hub, with its inclusive, relationship-focused approach and the combined experience and expertise of its staff.
What does the Hub do?
The Hub provides a therapeutic service that offers a sense of containment or ‘felt safety’ for people individually or in their relationships. ‘Felt safety’ is important because in care practice, each situation is unique, complex and with potential to create uncertainty and in turn anxiety, a natural response in this respect. However, anxiety can also be a vehicle for change and healthy risk-taking, based on increasing trust within key relationships. Our ‘team around the relationship’ approach, is informed by the belief that if staff feel supported and contained, they can build relationships with young people and nurture this trust. This is significant for the young people using Fairways services because they may have experienced relationships as a source of stress or fear and developed ways of coping as a result. These are remarkable coping strategies when considered through the lens of trauma and attachment but can be less helpful in their current circumstance.
Our approach is underpinned by the idea that relationships are both a huge source of information for the clinician to understand how to help, and that the relationship itself can be the most powerful tool to create hope and facilitate healing and change.
More information can be found at https://youngminds.org.uk/ on how you can support young people and children with their wellbeing and mental health.
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