We are delighted to announce that Fair Ways Education has been awarded the Gold level of the National SMSC Quality Mark.
This award is the highest rank possible and evidence’s that we promote SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural education) in the school, contributing to raising academic standards and improving children’s life chances.
This is a proud moment for Fair Ways School and a reflection of the hard work and dedication of all staff throughout Fair Ways School. The SMSC Gold accreditation is the highest award possible and demonstrates our desire to offer students the best support and education.
Laura Rowe, Deputy Director of Education
The news of this accreditation followed an extensive assessment process, including a 4-hour interview with key members of staff, discussions with students and interviews with parents and carers.
Feedback from the accreditation report reads, “It was a pleasure to chat with the students. They clearly enjoy their time at Fair Ways and spoke highly of their school. It was obvious what a difference Fair Ways has made to them compared to their experience in a mainstream setting. The young people all told me that the teachers do whatever they can to support their learning. Please thank them for me.”
During the assessment process, parents spoke of how Fair Ways staff go ‘above and beyond’ and ‘never give up’ on their children. They spoke of how their children have made ‘phenomenal progress’ not only academically but also in terms of their mental wellbeing and social and emotional regulation. Both parents stressed the impact of their child attending Fair Ways School has been ‘life-changing’ for the entire family.
Despite the verification visit being online, the warmth and commitment of Fair Ways values shone through the screening at every point. Thanks to the commitment of staff, the assessment team were able to get a flavour of how SMSC is a thread that runs through everything that Fair Ways does.
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